Category Archives: Writing

Tips and technologies for writers

Tips and practices for efficient writing that don’t involve software:

Technologies particularly helpful for writers:

Online cloud storage such as Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, etc.

 Microsoft Word’s features for organizing a novel:

  • Visualize the whole of the work and move the chapters/sections around with Microsoft Word’s Table of Contents (formerly called a Document Map) which also has the benefit of creating an accessible document

Writing software helps organize scenes, chapters, characters, outlines, timelines, etc.  Read a great overview in PC Magazine


  • FreeWriter Free/pay what you can. A stripped down word processor that focuses on productivity– alarms, session word counts, productivity logs, etc.

Track submissions:

Track novel queries:

  • (free)

Take notes and clip web pages:

  • Evernote
  • OneNote
  • Many other apps

Organize research materials:


Updated August 12, 2023

Photo: Ithaca, NY courtesy of the talented Paul Joran

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