Category Archives: Critiquing

How to critique & be critiqued & what to do with feedback

Critiquing is about teaching and learning. Each member of the critique group must be both a teacher and a student. When you offer suggestions on someone’s work, you’re learning how to diagnose issues and improve your own work.

A successful critique group requires positive, helpful attitudes, and a willingness to help yourself through giving time and energy to help others. Critiquing should empower members with a sense of collective and individual progress.

Critiquing should never, ever be about showing off how much you know, or intentionally, maliciously making someone feel bad.

Essentials on how to critique, what to look for, and some checklists

Extremely useful articles

What to do with feedback


 Updated December 20, 2020

Header photo: Ithaca, NY courtesy of the talented Paul Joran